陳美如 副教授


一、學    歷



  1. 中華醫事科技大學副教授 105.8迄今
  2. 中華醫事科技大學助理教授 98.8105.7
  3. 中華醫事科技大學講師 91.898.7
  4. 教育部安全衛生專業師資 93.995.12
  5. 勞動部職業安全衛生署安全衛生專案輔導委員 106107108
  6. 勞動部職業安全衛生署作業環境監測業務評核委員 108
  7. 教育部學校安全衛生管理系統認可輔導委員 106107108
  8. 勞動部及台南市政府聯合推動安全衛生專業輔導團輔導員 98年迄今
  9. 高雄市政府職業安全衛生推動績效評核委員 108
  10. 國協工業安全衛生有限公司作業環境測定人員 83.684.2
  11. 中國醫藥學院環境醫學研究所研究助理 84.285.8
  12. 中華民國工業安全衛生協會工程師 86.1289.5
  13. 成功大學職業安全衛生與醫學研究中心研究助理 92.192.8
  14. 勞委會及台南市政府聯合推動安全衛生防災訪視團訪視員 96.10~98.2
  15. 台南市政府勞工安全衛生志願服務團服務人員 92.4~97.12



1. 職業衛生技師

2. 工業安全技師

3. 甲級勞工安全管理技術士

4. 甲級勞工衛生管理技術士

5. 甲級化學性因子作業環境測定技術士

6. 甲級物理性因子作業環境測定技術士


  1. Chen Y-C, Hsu C-K, Wang CC, Tsai P-J, Wang C-Y, Chen M-R*, Lin M-Y*. 2015. Particulate matter exposure in a police station located near a highway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12:14541-14556. (SCI; Impact factor=2.063; Rank=96/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).
  2. Chen Y-C, Kuo Y-C, Chen M-R, Wang Y-F, Chen C-H, Lin M-Y, Yoon C, Tsai P-J*. 2016. Reducing polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) emissions from a real- scale iron ore sinter plant by adjusting its sinter raw mix. Journal of Cleaner Production 112:1184- 1189. (SCI; Impact factor= 3.844; Rank= 24/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).
  3. Lin C-C, Chen M-R, Chang S-L, Liao W-H, Chen H-L*. 2015. Characterization of ambient particles size in workplace of manufacturing physical fitness equipments. Industrial Health 53:78-

84. (SCI; Impact factor=1.117; Rank= 156/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).

  1. Hsu H-I, Lin M-Y, Chen Y-C, Chen W-Y, Yoon C, Chen M-R*, Tsai P-J*. 2014. An integrated approach to assess exposure and health-risk from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a fastener manufacturing industry. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11:9578-9594. (SCI; Impact factor=2.063; Rank=96/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).
  2. Mao I-F, Chen M-R, Wang L, Chen M-L, Lai S-C, Tsai C-J*. 2012. Method development for determining the malodor source and pollution in industrial park. Science of the Total Environment 437:270-275. (SCI; Impact factor=4.099; Rank=18/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).
  3. Hsu H-I, Chen M-R, Wang S-M, Chen W-Y, Wang Y-F, Young L-H, Huang Y-S, Yoon C-S, Tsai P-J*. 2012. Assessing long-term oil mist exposures for workers in a fastener manufacturing industry using the Bayesian decision analysis technique. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 12:834- 842. (SCI; Impact factor= 2.094; Rank= 93/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).
  4. Soo J-C, Tsai P-J, Chen C-H, Chen M-R, Hsu H-I, Wu T-N*. 2011. Influence of compressive strength and applied force in concrete on particles exposure concentrations during cutting processes. Science of the Total Environment 409:3124-3128. (SCI; Impact factor=4.099; Rank=18/223; Environ. Sci.; JCR 2014).
  5. Hsu HI, Chen MR, Wang SM, Chen WY, Wang YF, Young LH, Huang YS, Yoon CS, Tsai PJ (2012, Oct). Assessing Long-Term Oil Mist Exposures for Workers in a Fastener Manufacturing Industry Using the Bayesian Decision Analysis Technique. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12:834-842. (SCI, 43/205,Environ Sci).
  6. Chen MR, Tsai PJ, Wang YF (2008, Apr). Assessing Inhalatory and Dermal Exposures and Their Resultant Health-Risks for Workers Exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contained in Oil Mists in a Fastener Manufacturing Industry. Environment International, 34: 971- 975. (SCI, 7/205,Environ Sci).

  1. Chen MR, Tsai PJ, Chang CC, Shih TS, Lee WJ, Liao PC (2007, Dec). Particle Size Distributions of Oil Mists in Workplace Atmospheres and Their Exposure Concentrations to Workers in a Fastener Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 146:393-398. (SCI, 17/205,Environ Sci).
  2. Chen MR, Tsai PJ* , Lee CC, Shih TS, Lai CH, Liou SH (2002, Sep). Predicting the Contents of BTEX and MTBE for the Three Types of Tollbooth at a Highway Toll Station via the Direct and Indirect Approaches. Atmospheric Environmen, 36: 5961-5969. (SCI).
  3. Chen MR, Lee CC, Shih TS, Tsai PJ*, Lai CH, Liou SH (2002, May). Exposure assessment on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for toll-way station workers via direct and indirect approaches. Journal of Occupational Health, 44: 294-300. (SCI).
  4. 周晏如、蔡朋枝、張振平、何雨芳、謝正悅、陳美如*:油炸後食用油之酸價與空氣中多環芳香烴化合物濃度及毒性之關聯性調查。勞工安全衛生研究季刊,民國1029月,第21卷第3期,第320-330頁,勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所(現已改為勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所)。

13. 毛義方、楊啟賢、陳美如、李全翔、蔡忠融*:有機溶劑製造業勞工職業苯暴露與尿中代謝

S-PMA濃度研究。勞工安全衛生研究季刊,民國1036月,第22卷第2期,第112-123頁, 勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所(現已改為勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所)。